How it Started and
How It's Going
New Life Center began In August 1971 with a burden for the Drake Neighborhood of Des Moines and a group of prayer warriors. As people have stepped out in faith and obedience, many lives have been touched and changed by God. Throughout the years, the ministry has taken on many different forms, from coffee house ministry, to large and small group gatherings, to bus ministry, and more.
While the mission has always remained the same, the method has changed many times. One thing that will never change is that we believe in the Drake Neighborhood and love being here. We desire to be a multigenerational, multi-ethnic, and multi-socio-economical church where hope is delivered, people are restored, and joy is spread.
We would love for you to join us in what God is doing!
Our Mission
To live out a real love from our real God so we can make a real difference in the world around us.
Our Vision
To be a place where people find the HOPE of Christ, experience the LOVE of Christ, and live the LIFE of Christ.
Our Beliefs and Values
We believe that the message is sacred but, the method is not.
We see everyone as important and valuable.
We believe that life is better together!
We love unconditionally.
We choose joy.
We embrace change and pursue the impossible.
We revel in the laughter of children and the boldness of teens.
We understand that being mature doesn’t mean you have to be like everyone else.
We’re committed to teamwork and seeking new ways to empower others.
We expect the unexpected.
We don't just read God's Word, we need it and live it.
We pray because we like to, not because we have to.
We view worship as a lifestyle, not a concert.
We live on less so that we can give more.
We embrace the paradoxes of Christ...
To be First is to be Last.
To Give is to Receive.
To be Weak is to be Strong.
To Lead is to Follow.
To Give Up your life is to Live It.
Our Doctrine: As part of the fellowship of Assembly of God churches we ascribe to these 16 Fundamental Truths.
Our Team.

Luis Bonilla
Site Pastor